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Women's Basketball - Independents (2010-2011)

Conf. RPI Rank: 32    Conf. SOS Rank: 31

Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
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Last updated - Mon Mar 14 18:00:00 PST 2011

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RPI Rk Independents Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
Up 8 From Last Week181 Chicago St. 14-1  19-9 0.4899 341  0.4082
183 CSU Bakersfield 4-0  17-11 0.4893 314  0.4377
Down 32 From Last WeekDown 32 From Last Week192 South Dakota 7-2  16-11 0.4864 317  0.4357
Up 2 From Last Week237 North Dakota 8-4  11-15 0.4566 231  0.4689
248 SIU-Edwardsville 2-1  11-19 0.4486 174  0.4897
Up 3 From Last Week258 Seattle 0-6  7-22 0.4406 129  0.5095
274 Longwood 0-1  7-22 0.4288 138  0.5029
Up 2 From Last Week276 Savannah St. 0-1  10-11 0.4279 342  0.4019
Down 5 From Last Week313 Texas Pan Amer. 4-9  9-19 0.3956 339  0.4114
Up 2 From Last Week315 Utah Valley 5-7  7-21 0.3909 297  0.4448
Up 1 From Last Week320 N.J.I.T. 2-6  7-20 0.3858 321  0.4345
Up 5 From Last Week324 Houston Baptist 2-7  3-24 0.3800 235  0.4674
330 N.C. Central 0-0  5-26 0.3691 277  0.4545

2009-2010 Independents standings

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